Seaspiracy - the marmite movie - what did you think?.

Added 1 November 2021
Helen Dugdale

Have you seen Seaspiracy the Netflix documentary? What did you think? The film sparked a mixed reaction from the audience and the entertainment industry.
Lots of people applauded filmmaker, Ali Tabrizi, saying he shone a much-needed light on the negative impact of the world’s fishing industries on sea life and the oceans. While others believed he simply exploited it choosing to favouring sensationalism over fact. Either way, Tabrizi, ruffled the feathers of many experienced documentary makers.
Helen Dugdale’s latest article for the October/November issue of Television Business International Magazine Unscripted discovered what the filmmakers really think.
The conversation that flowed through the article was how, yes, there are indeed filmmakers out there that are eager to secure a top spot on a streamer's Top Watch List, grab the headlines and the hashtags. And to do this they are happy to get creative with their edits and go heavy on one side of the argument.
Then there are the other doc makers. Who are serious when it comes to their craft. They're committed to only showing a balanced argument, staying true to what each interviewee thinks; no matter where that takes the narrative.
We’d love to know what you think. Do you think the doc is sensationalist? Or do you agree that it provided a balanced view of the effect the global fishing industry is having on our seas and oceans? Read the full article here.